Friday 16 August 2013

15th night and 16th morning

Had an interesting night out with 2 friends last night.  Was actually good on the whole while making me realise I'm in that phase of just becoming more strongly Vegan over time and becoming the new me more and more.  We went to 3 pubs and I have to just admit I didn't feel strongly enough in my new identity to not drink alcohol although did my best to search for Vegan beers.  Whereas I'm confortable on the whole as a Vegan I'm not comfortable in my pretty much non drinking self.  That's something that's still developing.

I had a bottle of Peroni and 2 bottles on Tiger.  I knew Tiger was Vegan and found out today Peroni was which made me happy.  The atmosphere was actually really pleasant and I wasn't drunk enough to fall into silly arguments.  I imagine if my other friend from NZ had been there that could've happenend.  I'm just a bit annoyed I didn't feel good enough to go for a run today.  I feel though maybe between now and my next visit here I will more solidify myself as a non drinker I feel and hope anyway.  Whereas I do enjoy the little buzz to some degree it is something I have crowded out and just enjoy the feeling without it more and my greater sense of clarity e.g. going for a run this morning would've felt good.

While out I was asked about if I stopped buying stuff like leather which I replied I had.  There was a bit of conversation happened to come up somehow about animals being killed and I was able to mention Earthlings.  Not in an indoctrinating way but just a passing on of information.  I said I would recommend anyone watch it once.  It seems it planted the seed.

It was interesting as I really noticed the whole thing I read in this blog 'The hardest thing about being vegan' about well meaning people just not being interested or being blinded to think it's okay to eat animals.  In a totally non narcissistic way as we briefly discussed Earthings my friend asked what animals you see being killed and I said about the cows, chickens etc.  My friend said jokingly, oh just ones that are food then.

It was really interesting.  My friend is just a really good guy and writing this now makes it sound like a deliberate cruel thing to say but I could tell from the way he said it there wasn't any knowing genuine malice at all in his voice or attitude.  He just hasn't woke up yet.

we walked around and my friends made a couple of jokes about the different shops such as the cheese shop which I would have no use for.  All of this actually felt pretty good natured humour which didn't bother me.  I was happy though I hadn't drank more and another friend wasnt there as I think I could've potentially bought into more of an argument which he no doubt would've pushed so I'll be careful when I see him back in NZ.

My friend also told me about his girlfriend having a Folie Gras burger.  I couldn't remember what it was but then remembered.   He joked about how this is made.  It really saddens me writing this because again I know he's not a malicious person at all but is just completely desensitised to this and just sees it as the norm as so many others do.  I kind of shrugged it off with a joke 'Noooooo!!!'

I hope between now and my next trip I can become stronger in me as a Vegan and in my non drinker identity.  That seems the way forward.  Although drinking isn't non vegan it somehow seems to go hand in hand to work to eliminate it due to being more conscious and spiritual perhaps.  Maybe then I can be a better Vegan advocate too and be taken more seriously.  All a step at a time I guess.

I'm happy I definitely won't be drinking alcohol today.

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