Wednesday 28 August 2013

28 August so far. dentist and my new tattoo design

Well the day started off by getting a sample tattoo design, see above.  I'm just letting it sit with me for a while.  It all seemed more real when it came through.  I want it to have a labyrinth but wasn't sure of that one on the design at first but now thinking it could be good.  I wanted it to have the native american sun symbol with the seven rays but wanted it to look organic too.  It looked a bit bland just as it was originally.  This has 7 rays which are longer and I do particularly like the dotted artwork.  The labyrinth again will embrace birth death rebirth and progress. the traditional sun symbolises similar things but the particular native american sun is about peace and the healing arts. I'm wondering if it has enough of that in.  I'm going to cancel my appointment on monday anyway but I'll get a new design coming through too with the other labyrinth design.  I'm going to sit on it a bit to make sure it's just right. I want to make sure it is really what I want.

Went to the dentist and got 2 fillings. Never a great experience but glad it's out of the way.  i think the anaesthetic has made me feel a bit odd too. Didn't sleep so well or so long last night either. I was up late last night and kind of needed a bit more time to rest. I really want to wrap up my trip nicely and make a smoothe transition back. It's been a lovely trip with no Vegan issues.

As I write again I hear my parents looking at my new book I mentioned in the last post and discussing the cruelty of debeaking. It's great they're getting more aware. 'They have no right debeaking them' were my Dad's words. Good on him.

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