Monday 5 August 2013


I really hate it how we can't get through to everyone.  I think of people who remain so set in their ways and the frustration with that.  I guess though as a Counsellor I need to just look at my response and not try to just focus on changing them.  I need to look at me and how I can best express my Veganism and share with as many people as possible as effectively as possible and choose my battles carefully and just not waste my time.  I guess it's important to look at how I manage myself and my time and just keep moving forward and living life and if it comes down to it I need to accept that friends do come and go and just keep going down my path.

Maybe writing like this and using my dictaphone too will allow that constant expression and allow me to move forward as a Vegan activist as well as I possible can.  It was great to build those connections tonight and in the next few days making meals.  It shows that I'm doing that.

Maybe since there isn't a counter argument to veganism but since nonsense is vented in my direction I should be strong and maybe say I think you should try it if you are genuinely interested in food, health and ethics, there isn't any reason not to.

Maybe it will get to a stage whereas I ultimately won't have time for people like that.  I guess that's something I'll just have to keep writing about and keep managing, finding ways to keep myself sane so I can address it day by day as well as I can.  It does sadden me but I've noticed rifts which I need to accept may never ever find a happy conclusion but will lead to my moving on ultimately.

So what's my plan... to not visit people like that maybe... to stay in my own area living my own life and just meet up at mutual places could maybe be the way forward.  I'm not willing to tolerate that kind of ongoing talk really and I don't just want to be treated as a side show... it's not respectful. My veganism does really need to be acknowledged for it's importance.

I simply can't win on the other territory.  I need to acknowledge that and accept it but I can build my own new base and keep behaving in a way which will cause the most impact positively... like my new labyrinth tattoo symbol I'll get.

It's nice to have this break just to relax and take stock of where I'm up to.  It's scary though to move away from very strong connections.  I guess that's where making more is the way forward.  My new vegan connections... my new life as a vegan. :)

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