Sunday 4 August 2013

Bit cabin feverish but okay

Got up after a great sleep and seem to be more or less over jeltag.  Then again I'm still a bit tired now.  I got out on a one hour 30 min run.  Felt like all I could manage just for now but I hope to build up a bit.  Gran has come over so great to see her for the first time in 4.5 years so just relaxing, talking etc.  I'm really glad and surprised she liked my Vegan curry.  I thought we would've had to have got out the emergency pie for her.  I'm glad it didn't come to that.

I ordered Die Hard 3 and 4 from amazon for 1p each plus delivery, not bad.  I was tempted to order a video game then realised that would've been a negative and was showing my feeling a bit trapped etc.  I feel bad to say I do miss NZ a bit, like I did when I was in OZ.  I guess it's cool that I feel so happy ultimately that I live in NZ.  I can't say exactly what I miss, I just love being there.  I'm so happy I moved and being here as much as it's nice being back does just re-affirm that.

I was thinking of a dictaphone I thought could help my vegan sanity more.  Just having something to talk into then get together ideas from it afterwards I thought could help me to stay well and balanced.  Couldn't decide today though.  I am more money conscious now and don't want to throw cash away if I won't use it properly but it could be worth a go.

I enjoyed connecting with Auckland vegan people on facebook and it's good I'll be going to a vegan event here before too long.  will go a week tomorrow if not tomorrow.  I enjoyed actually cooking tonight.  That does help keep my vegan sanity.  Having my Mum cook for me is nice but cooking is something I really want to keep up.

It was really great to speak to Kelly on the phone and feel that Counselling connection.  She's a really cool person and has been a great friend.  A fellow highly sensitive person.  I look forward to getting together on Tuesday.  I'm thinking now I can take something over to her place to eat.

It's strange as I do really feel I grow more somehow in NZ.  Here it has that quite trapped feeling almost.  As I ran around today I enjoyed remembering Club 29 where I used to rent video games when I was a kid and running by where my girlfriend lived when I was 15. So long ago.  It is like just remembering an old life though that I genuinely have no ongoing attachment to now.

I was thinking though how it is nice to come back like this and check in.  I plan to use the ideas from the cool money management book and look at the enjoyment and purpose I get from visiting then how I want to manage time and money to come back here again.  Right now that's a bit unclear.

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