Sunday 11 August 2013

Saturday 10th. Visiting Gran. Meeting some old friends family

Had another nice pleasant day yesterday.  Got to visit my Gran in the day for an hour and in the evening met with parents of an old friend with my folks too.  I felt totally comfortable not drinking alcohol as I was with another non drinker.  Experiencing that non drinking is the general way I'd like to head.  Just had a very short chat about my Veganism in terms of my decision around compassionate living and minimal harm etc and how I felt really good from it.

I found this interaction around Veganism and with my friends a few nights ago to be just really pleasant and cool which really makes me think that those who have the negative reaction are those who ultimately feel the most defensive about what they are doing.  It seems though who show an interest are maybe more in touch with it being the way forward and being open to change etc.

I recorded on my dictaphone last night about how my life has changed and that sense of things unravelling somehow.  England seems so repressed sometimes and just that feeling of being in pubs, a real pub culture around drinking etc.  It's something that I have no real interest in being part of at all.  It seems so kind of ego driven and linked with that class divided nature of the UK.  I love my life of just having people over for dinners, dinners out, running etc, it all seems so much more real.  I'm happy that I'm enjoying my trip here while feeling no desire whatsoever to live here again.  I do love NZ and that feels great.

This morning (11th) involved a bit of a rest in and again eating well.  My smoothie first thing then porridge with nuts etc.  I was thinking I may go for a run but haven't found time.  I'll meet my friend for dinner (Manchester restaurant with Vegan options) then a soft drink I guess.  It should be nice being in town with her.  I ordered a marathon book.  You can do it by Jeff Galloway.  I guess I'm looking to the Marathon on 1 November now and I may likely do another blog when this one ends after my trip here so I can have a log of that journey too for my memory, my motivation and to maybe give a link to others going through something similar.

The aim will just be to complete the marathon and this seems like a good book to help with that.  I love the idea of doing it as a Vegan person too. I only believe being Vegan will give me more of an edge but nonetheless with it not being mainstream I always feel like I'm standing for something.  I will love wearing my Team Vegan T shirt with pride. This book should support that.

Today I also ordered 'Diet for a new America' for a friend I'll meet tonight who I think will like it.  She is open around food and change etc and we link a lot on the Counselling level.  I feel it can help her whilst also supporting the cause of making a better world etc.  I also bought it for my friend in NZ who was initially judgemental.  This actually serves a few purposes.  Firstly it is helping a friend who seems interested in food and health while knowing nothing about it.  It is also obviously potentially helping the world become better while helping him to make better choices. Finally I feel it also works on an underlying political level almost whereas it will make him less likely to promote eating animals to me since he has that book and if he says it's not a good book etc I can remain open minded and allow him to recommend another (all seem to point in a more Vegan direction). It can just be an open showing of learning together while holding my faith that still deep down we are ultimately all Vegans. Sorry if that sounds arrogant but it is my stance. :)

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