Tuesday 27 August 2013

Tattoo update

Well I've been booked in to get my tattoo since before I came here.  I was due to get it on Monday next week in the morning.  I've been excited but never heard back from the Tattoo artist in the first 2 weeks of August as expected.  I had mailed a few times and never heard back.  I was actually going to mail to cancel and say I was a little disappointed not to hear.  I'm glad I didn't do that.  I decided to phone and she said she had been ridiculously busy.  Although she didn't say as much it seemed that she had somehow forgot about my appointment next monday.  I will now get the design in the next few days then will cancel my appointment and sit with the design.  I still hope to get it in good time before the marathon.  I wanted it when I got back really but a bit later will be okay.  I thought it would've been a nice coming back treat and affirmation somehow but nevermind.

I was thinking it may not be meaning to be but it still seems most likely on the cards and I'll just keep following myself with it all and what feels right. I've been tempted to mention it to people but have barely done at all other than my tattood friends really when it's come up. I guess it is very personal and individual.  I do feel like I'll be more me somehow.  Not something to rush into.  I wish it could've been sorted by now but now it seems best to get the design and really get it sorted aiming for over the next month or so. :)

Anyone like to share anything about their tattooing experiences? Any tattoos with particular meanings to you?

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