Monday 26 August 2013

Monday 26th. Run. Meeting an old friend. Football, football culture, ego and now Vegan

Today I met with an old friend at 2pm for a drink in the pub.  I stuck with soft drinks (see my other blog).  I chatted with him and his girlfriend which was really cool.  The only vegan thing that came up was him saying so I hear youre Vegan now.  I just said yeah it's been a lifestyle change in the last year and it's worked out really well.  There wasn't any judgement and it was just nice.

I got out for a run after. See my run blog. That went well.

Later I went to the football with my Dad. The first match for 4.5 years.  It was funny how a lot went through my mind.  I enjoyed the match.  An interesting 0-0 draw and nice to be at my childhood teams ground 'Old Trafford' again. 

I thought back to a few days ago when a friend posted something on the Vegan page of football fans celebrating with a slogan along the lines of 'how great would it be if these people could be so passionate about something that truly meant something'.

It made me think about what a big part of my life football has been.  Getting so excited, in tears over matches and now I truly feel I have accessed a deeper part of me.  The excitement is still there for football but I kind of realise there's something so ego about it.  I feel there must be some soul in the art form but I feel 99% of what all fans feel is all about ego.  I'm sorry if that sounds arrogant but it's my observation.  It's all about attachment to.  The excitement of the goal and winning.

It's strange to feel back on all that part of my life and wonder if it was all just a waste.  What did it really mean in the great scheme of things.  It was cool but maybe a lot was just surface that I misunderstood as having real depth.  I thought of everyone in Old Trafford.  Likely people who ate meat regularly.  The small proportion of Vegans and that brainwashed mentality of giving it no thought at all but looking away.

In my spiritual development group we speak of working with the heart (subduing it) and that makes sense.  Being vegan helps that so is such a great grounding in life.  It stops that attachment to things like football for me I guess.  I thought about the SAFE campaign of people holding the dead birds which I couldn't go to and made me think that that's what truly means something and a key to truly make a difference, by altering the foundations of how we eat.

Life is changing so much now.  It's so weird to think of all the football arguments and the stupid dramas around it when it should never be like that.  Great to really be looking at spiritual teachings and people like Gandhi and Einstein for what's important. I love how they talk about vegetarianism.  It does seem like my Veganism is something so true in m life that really makes sense.

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