Monday 29 July 2013

family response to my Veganism

Its funny, the title makes me think about someone coming out as being homosexual but becoming Vegan isnt that dramatic im sure but nonetheless is an opening up about a new lifestyle that you are now undertaking and feel strongly about. Ill discuss my family response here and other responses later.  I've found in my last year that such responses can be very damaging to the whole cause and very supportive.  People do often having stroing reactions to the negative about this and my thoughts around it are that it somewhat threatens their reality.

In being Vegan you are operating on the principle of 'Ahimsa'.  A principle of no/minimal harm. The more dominant western model is more this dominating individualistic power over type of mentality. I feel it threatens because on a level you are now showing that you stand for something which is
fairly against what others stand for.  It's a counter culture movement the same as feminism or someone who in the face of other obstances stands for some kind of fairer world.

I've struggled with this throughout my year. I've always been a bit quiet and being a therapist we practice notions of non judgement.  In the last year i guess i've become stronger and realised that eating animals is wrong.  it is inferior to not eating them on a health and ethical level and there isn't a counter argument. We believe (or know in fact) that being vegan is the way forward to make a better world and it is as a see it the least anyone can do. It's not each to their own.  I am not militant and
difficult as it is will wholly support somewhat making small steps in this direction but at a core i do not support the consumption or use of animals or their secretions for diet or for other use. Sometimes its unavoidable, or we have old stuff. but I support the idea of doing the best we can to move away from this.

Anyway to my family. My background with them has been mixed at points. I had lots of issues with them when i was younger which lead me to counselling 12 years ago which was a life changing thing.  I thought they'd be judgemental but incredibly they've been a great support through this. It almost lead me to think somehow that the time was all just right in the stars or whatever as stupid as it sounds.  When i said about my vegetarianism my family said it was interesting I'd said that as they were  looking into the same.  This was on 2 angles.. partly my sister has been an animal lover all her life but had that paradox we vegans now maybe cruelly find a bit ironic of people eating animals while claiming to love them.  She had however decided to be more vegetarian and cut down on eating animals.  My folks were getting into it a bit too.

Interestingly my Dad had an issue with prostate cancer and his doctor recommended a complete elimination of dairy produce.  I'm not sure if something about reducing meat too. My family after that point had stopped eating dairy and my Dad had been reading the work of Jane Plant who speaks a lot about this issue.  Not got to her yet but heard her books are good.  They asked me if I still ate
it.  At the time I did have my few yogurts etc but said i was thinking about a change to Veganism.  it was clear they were very supportive and have been throughout this time ever since.  It is great knowing they're on my side for my trip back.. Can't help but keep thinking of the leather sofas at home though.... eeeek

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